Category: Uncategorized

  • The Currency of Kindness

    We often wonder why something that was so potentially good for the world as social media could turn on us so dramatically, and end up being such a toxic place filled with hate, envy, ignorance, and monster-like behavior. It has its good qualities, of course, but it could have been so much better if it…

  • The Bike Scouts Project

    A concept note. The Bike Scouts project started as a simple exercise in creative problem solving – People that are isolated by natural disasters lose access to communication. The solution I came up with was to use bicycles for mobility (because they are portable, easy to use and simple to maintain) to deliver life-saving and…

  • The Abuse Of Innovation

    Innovation is an abused word. For most of us it’s something that describes anything that sounds new, even though most of what we call innovation is actually more accurately a variation of an original. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word as “the introduction of something new,” but then elsewhere it’s also referred to as an alteration,…

  • We Were Fearless

    We Were Fearless Story 1, Book 1There was a tree in front of my childhood home with leaves shaped like butterflies. They fluttered like real insects in the hot breeze that blew every summer, it was like watching a cloud of green wings dancing over you when you lay down in its shade. It was…